Thursday, August 4, 2016

Ep. 264: New Memories

Hey, Partiers! We're still gone this week. But it's a new episode. Don't worry, though, it's all explained if you listen.

But, if this is your first episode, please don't listen. This is for the die-hards. If this is your first time, listen to episode 260.

Anyway, this episode has a GBU, guests Sean from JFD and Nik. Lots of Sherlock Homophobia and, most importantly, Wayne's Podcast Town News. Does Wayne quit the show? Find out by listening!

We'll be back next. And listen to next week's Illogical Contraption for a special treat!

Donloyd Here if you're Alan Jackson woke.

Remember, there's still Pool Party (and Junk Food Dinner) shirts and stickers and patches and Koozers available from Hide the Bodies. Buy some stuff so we don't feel like dickheads for doing 264 free podcasts.

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