Friday, May 24, 2013

Ep. 109: The Outside World

Parker and Frizzazle Bedazzle Razzle Smazzle are alone together again to discuss the worst week in recent American history. VH1 can suck it.

Frisbie reveals himself to be a heartless robot that dates disappointed women, complains about Sam Raimi demons again, and explains how to outrace a tornado. Parker theorizes the best way to watch any Kubrick film, why he hates (but, despite everything, probably secretly still loves) Joss Whedon, and details his vast fortune.

Then they make fun of white people. It's great. I mean, it really doesn't get much better than that, right?

Music: Secular Haze by Ghost B.C.

Donloyd Here if you're one of those drug guys.

Leave us a goddamn rating or review on iTunes or you can kiss our ass.

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